Introducing the Laker Scholarship Fund
Please consider supporting students attending Our Lady of the Lake Catholic School.
This financial impact of the coronavirus pandemic is being felt by a number of our school families. We anticipate the need of our families to continue to increase in the coming months and into next year. The circumstances of some of our families are unique, with little comparison to other times of our community. Some of the parents and caregivers of our students have been laid off from work with no specified return date. Other parents and caregivers work in industries currently shut down, preventing them from earning revenue. Yet, others in our school community are facing skyrocketing medical bills. Some are struggling with chronic health issues preventing them from being able to work.
What unites the families who attend Our Lady of the Lake is a fervent desire for Catholic education for their children. Our families want their child or children to experience the lifelong gift of a Catholic education and values.
As a community, we want to support all of our families, no matter their situation. We want our students to remain Lakers.
Our hope is that no family in our community be forced to make a choice of sending their child to Our Lady of the Lake Catholic School or making their monthly bill payments.
We need your support in this endeavor.
We are establishing the Laker Scholarship Fund to support tuition assistance for these students whose families are experiencing financial hardship. This hardship may be temporary or more long lasting. The Laker Scholarship Fund is designated with a guiding hope of ensuring that no parent who wants their child to attend OLL is turned away due to a lack of ability to pay.
We are dedicated to helping our families get through this trying time. Each day our teachers continue to inspire our students, now through virtual Home Learning. Our specialist teachers continue to deliver art, Spanish, music, library, P.E., and care for our students social and emotional needs. Our student council works to build school community, with activities and themed-school days to help students cope with these unusual times. Although the coronavirus pandemic is keeping us from physically being together, OLL continues to work to provide quality education and supported community.
Your support of the Laker Scholarship Fund will make a critical difference for our students in this moment of need. Moreover, supporting their Catholic education at OLL is truly providing them a gift that will last a lifetime.
There are many possible levels of support to the Laker Scholarship Fund, from helping students purchase necessary learning materials to funding tuition.
Your gift ensures that children within our school community will continue to be Lakers.
Thank you for supporting our students and their families.